Topography of District Abbottabad                                                                 <=  back

The topography of the District is dominated by mountains and hills. The mountains of Abbottabad District are part of the lesser Himalayas. One of its ranges flanks the right bank of Kunhar and Jhelum rivers and enters Abbottabad District from the North. It runs through the District as Dungagali range and its off-shoots, which vary in elevation from about 2,500 to 2,700 meters. From this range many spurs project on either side. The spurs projected towards the west are longer, with valleys lying in between. However, the height of the land in the West varies between 600 to 1,500 meters.

The space between the mountains in filled by low tracts. Along the Northern boundary of the District, a series of low lying hills form a barrier to the Mangal tract in Mansehra district. To the south of these hills lies the “Orash” or “Rash” plain with an area about 6 Sq. KM. It looks as if it had once been a great lake. The center of this plain is still marshy but most of it is drained now and excellent maize and potatoes crops are grown. Another such tract is “Dhan” which is an elevated basin enclosed by Nara hills. Other small cultivable tracts are along the valleys of rivers and streams. The plain tract of Dor valley to the south is one of them, which merges with the Haripur plain in the south. On the Dhund branch of upper Haro lies the Lora tract.





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Land use pattern of District Abbottabad for the year 1997–98


Land Utilization Status

Area in Hectares

Total area


      Cultivated area


            i.    Net sown area


            ii.    Current fallow


      Cropped area


      Area sown more than once


      Uncultivated area


            i.    Waste area


            ii.    Forest area


            iii.   Not available for cultivation
