Sialkot                                                                                          More cities

Language : Urdu and Punjabi
Phone Code : 0432
Activities/Interests : Parks,Historical Places,Mosques
Shrines : Darbar Imam Sahib
Best Time to Visit : March April

Main Buisnes: Sports,Leather Garments and Surgicals

Sialkot is a city situated in Punjab province of Pakistan. It is located near Indo-Pak border, about 125 k.m. from Lahore, the capital of Punjab. This city is centries old. According to tradition, it was constructed by Raja Sul. Famous Fort of Sialkot is still there but it is in the shape of a small hill now.
Old History
Sákala ( now Siálkot city ) was the capital of the Madras who are known in the late Vedic period ( Brihadáranyaka Upanishad ). Sákaladvipa , or the 'island of Sákala' was the name of the doáb, or the land lying between the two rivers, between Chandrabhága (Chenab) and Irávati (Ravi). Sákala was the capital ,or one of the capitals, of the Greek kings of the House of Euthydemus, and the residence of Menander (Milinda). After the invasion of the Húnas (Huns) in the last quarte of the fifth century A.D. it became the capital of Toramána and his son Mihirakula. The antiquities of Sialkot are discussed by Sir Alexander Cunnigham in his Archaeological Survey Reports, II, 21, 22, and XIV, 44 to 47. It's early history is closely interwoven with traditions of the Raja Sáliváhan, his son Raja Rasálu and his foe, Raja Húdi, so famous in Punjab folk-lore
History of Sialkot
The city of Siálkot is believed to have been founded by one Raja Sul or Sálá , the uncle of Pandhavas, whose heroic deeds are recorded in the epic Mahábhárta. After his death some 5000 years ago, there is a tradition that the dynasity continued for some 1500 years and then the country was flooded and remained one vast uninhabited region for about 1000 years. The popular belief is that it was re-founded in the reign of Vikramaditya of Ujjain by Raja Sáliváhan or Sálbán, who built the fort and city and gave the place its present name. He was of Sia caste, and it is believed that the word "Sialkot" means 'the fort of Sia'. Legend also says the Salivahan had two sons; one Puran by name , was killed by the instrumentality of a wicked step-mother, and thrown inot a well, still the resort of pilgrims near Sialkot , called "Puran ka Kunwna", the well of Puran. (A Mohalla in the city is also named "Puran Nagar") Other son of Salivahan , Rasalu, became involved in wars with Raja Hudi, popularly stated to have been a Gakkhar chieftain. Being worsted in battle, Rasalu, as the price for piece, was forced to give his daughter in marriage to his conqueror, who gave the territory he had conquered to Rasalu's adopted son. According to another legend narrated to Mr. Prinsep:

IQBAL MANZAL Iqbal Manzal is the birth place of Pakistan's National Poet, Allama Mohammad Iqbal. It is located in Kashmiri Mohala. In 1861 Iqbal's grandfather Shaikh Rafiq buy this house and they shifted there from Mohala Khatikan. Due to its resemble by Iqbal Government of Pakistan buy this historical building and prepare it as museum, Now it has been opened for visitors.

POREN'S WELL: :- Raja Sal Bahan has been past a very famous ruler at Sialkot. He reconstructed the fort, that was made by Raja Shull. Raja Sal Bahan had two sons. One is Rasalu , who become Raja (Ruler) after the death of his father, while his other son was prince Poren , who seizure by her father's second wife. and raja got so anger that he ordered his soldiers to kill Prince Poren and thrown into a well outside city. So Raja's soldiers cut off his hands and feet and throw him into well .which is present outside city Sialkot yet and known as Poren's well..
THE TOMB OF IMAM SAHIB: Imam Shaib had been past a very famous Sufi (Poise man) in Sialkot. He had great love for Islam. He had very kind heart for the poor peoples. He is one of the most famous saint of the sialkot. His services for humanity will always keep him alive to all peoples. He is the main inspiration for next generations too.

Jinnah Stadium :- Cricket is the one of most popular play in Asian plays. and Pakistani team is known as the one of best teams in the world. So there are many play grounds in Pakistan., being the talented people's city ,Sialkot also has a best Cricket stadium where has been held many International matches. It is also known as Jinaha Park.