People Of District Abbottabad                                                              <=  back


Population of District Abbottabad

The total population of District Abbottabad was 881,000 according to the Census of 1998. The annual growth rate of population during 1981-1998 was 1.82%. Population density is 447.7 persons per Sq. KM in March 1998.

The ratio of urban and rural population is 18:82. The gender ratio (i.e. the number of males per hundred females) of the District is 100.2, where it is 94.96 in rural areas and 128.08 in urban areas.

The literacy rate of the District is 56.61. The table below gives the ratio by gender and rural/urban for 1998 Census.


Literacy ratio by Gender and Rural/Urban Areas, 1998

Area Male Female Both Genders
Rural 71.33 34.18 51.85
Urban 85.69 64.71 76.73
All Areas 74.52 39.11 56.61

According to the 1998 Census, out of the total educated persons 31.60% had passed primary, 19.39% middle and 18.45% matriculation. After matriculation the percentage falls to 5.54% for intermediate, 3.21% for graduate and 1.14% for postgraduate.

The economically active population of the Abbottabad District to the total population comprised about 176,000 souls or 19.99%. Out of this 97.72% are males and 2.28% are females.